Saturday 13 December 2014

Browser links getting redirected to “Message From sponsors” ad site? Thats a malware :)

I know how annoying that can be!  Actually this is a malware attack and it is not that simple to remove. If your browser is infected with a malware similar to mine (in my case, firefox was the infected one) , try these steps.
1)     Uninstall firefox : This is optional. But it is always better to start from a clean slate. If you are uninstalling , then You need to take a backup of your bookmarks :)
2)     Perform a disk clean up : Even this is optional. But I would suggest to do this as this will clean up the temporary files. I used the windows Utility in Start->All programs->Accessories->System Tools ->DiskCleanUp
3)     Install malwareBytes from : This is an Anti-malware application which is quite powerful in detecting and deleting malwares from your system. You can download the free version and install it . Run a scan after installing the software , and I was quite surprised to see the list of malwares that got deleted during the scan .
Now install the firefox (if you have uninstalled,) and you no longer will see that old pop up again J

Tips for Safe Browsing :
1)     Always download softwares from original websites.
2)     You can install browser add-ons like adBlock Plus which helps you block unwanted pop ups while browsing.
Deleting temporary files using DiskCleanUp(or any similar applications) is always  recommended